Saturday, February 11, 2012


Headphone and earphone jacks on a advanced ambit of equipment. 6.35 mm (1⁄4 in) plugs are accepted on home and able basic equipment, while 3.5 mm plugs are about accepted for carriageable audio equipment. 2.5 mm plugs are not as common, but are acclimated on advice accessories such as cordless phones, adaptable phones, and two-way radios.

Consumer electronics accessories such as agenda cameras, camcorders, and carriageable DVD players use 3.5 mm connectors for blended video and audio output. Typically, a TRS affiliation is acclimated for address audio added video, and a TRRS affiliation for stereo audio added video. Cables advised for this use are about concluded with RCA connectors on the added end.

Hands-free sets and headsets about use 3.5 mm or 2.5 mm connectors. TRS connectors are acclimated for address audio out + an asymmetric microphone (with a aggregate ground). TRRS connectors are acclimated to add an added audio-out approach (i.e. stereo out + microphone).

Microphone inputs on band and cassette recorders, sometimes with limited ascendancy switching on the ring, on early, monaural cassette recorders mostly a dual-pin adaptation consisting of a 3.5 mm TS for the microphone and a 2.5 mm TS for limited ascendancy which switches the recorder's ability supply.

Patching credibility (insert points) on a advanced ambit of equipment.

Claimed computers, sometimes application a complete agenda acquainted into the computer. Stereo 3.5 mm jacks are acclimated for:

Band in (stereo)

Band out (stereo)

Headphones/loudspeaker out (stereo)

Microphone ascribe (mono, usually with 5 V ability accessible on the ring. Note that traditional, incompatible, use of a stereo bung for a address microphone is for counterbalanced output)

Laptop computers about accept one band akin jack for headphones and one address jack for a microphone at microphone level. You can use an attenuating cable to catechumen band akin or use a arresting from an XLR connector, but it is not advised to almanac from a stereo accessory such as a radio or music player.

LCD monitors with congenital speakers will charge a 3.5 mm male-male cable from the complete card.

Note: College end complete cards sometimes action a blemish animate which supports 1⁄4 in bung accessories as well.

Accessories advised for beleaguer achievement may use assorted jacks for commutual channels (ex. TRS for foreground larboard and right; TRRS for foreground center, rear center, and subwoofer; and TRS for beleaguer larboard and right). Chip on the complete accessory may be acclimated to about-face amid acceptable Band In/Line Out/Mic functions and beleaguer output.

Electric guitars. Almost all electric guitars use a 1⁄4 in address jack (socket) as their achievement connector. Some makes (such as Shergold) use a stereo jack instead for stereo output, or a additional stereo jack, in accession to a address jack (as with Rickenbacker).

Instrument amplifiers for guitars, basses and agnate amplified agreeable instruments. 1⁄4 in jacks are overwhelmingly the a lot of accepted connectors for:

Inputs. A cloistral cable with a address 1⁄4 in jack bung on anniversary end is frequently termed a guitar bond or a patching cord, the aboriginal name absorption this usage, the additional the history of the jack plug's development for use in chiral blast exchanges.

Loudspeaker outputs, abnormally on low-end equipment. On able loudspeakers, Speakon connectors backpack college current, acquaintance with greater acquaintance area, lock in abode and do not abbreviate out the amplifier aloft admittance or disconnection. However, some able loudspeakers backpack both Speakon and TRS connectors for compatibility. Heavy-duty 1⁄4 in loudspeaker jacks are rated at 15 A best which banned them to applications involving beneath than 1,800 watts. 1⁄4 in loudspeaker jacks frequently aren't chic to lock the bung in abode and will abbreviate out the amplifier's achievement chip if affiliated or broken if the amplifier is live.

Band outputs.

Foot switches and furnishings pedals. Stereo plugs are acclimated for bifold switches (for archetype by Fender). There is little affinity amid makers.

Furnishings loops, which are frequently active as application points.

Cyberbanking keyboards use jacks for a agnate ambit of uses to guitars and amplifiers, and in addition

Sustain pedals.

Expression pedals.

Cyberbanking drums use jacks to affix sensor pads to the synthesizer bore or MIDI encoder. In this usage, a change in voltage on the wire indicates a boom stroke.

Some bunched and/or abridgement archetypal audio bond desks use stereo jacks for counterbalanced microphone inputs.

The majority of able audio accessories uses address jacks as the accepted asymmetric ascribe or achievement connector, about accouterment a 1⁄4 in asymmetric band adapter alongside (or in a few cases in the average of!) and as an another to an XLR counterbalanced band connector.

Modular synthesizers frequently use affiliated cables for creating patches.

¼ in connectors are broadly acclimated to affix alien processing accessories to bond consoles' admit credibility (see Admit (effects processing)). TRS or TS connectors ability be acclimated in pairs as abstracted forward and acknowledgment jacks or a one TRS jack ability be active for both forward and acknowledgment in which case the signals are unbalanced. The one asymmetric aggregate send/return TRS admit jack saves both animate amplitude and basic complexity. Note that bond animate admit credibility can aswell be XLR, RCA or diminutive TT (tiny telephone) jacks, depending on the accomplish and model.

Some baby cyberbanking accessories such as audio cassette players, abnormally in the cheaper amount brackets, use a two-conductor 3.5 mm or 2.5 mm jack as a DC ability connector.

Some accurate flat strobe lights accept 1⁄4 in or 3.5 mm jacks for the beam synchronization input. A camera's electrical beam achievement (PC atrium or hot shoe adapter) is cabled to the strobe light's accompany ascribe jacks. Some examples: Calumet Travelite, and Speedotron use a 1⁄4 in address jack as the accompany input; White Lightning uses 1⁄4 in stereo jacks; PocketWizard (radio trigger) and AlienBees use 3.5 mm address jacks.

Some cameras (for example, Canon, Sigma, and Pentax DSLRs) use the 2.5 mm stereo jack for the adapter for the limited bang absolution (and focus activation); examples are Canon's RS-60E3 limited about-face and Sigma's CR-21 active limited control.

Some miniaturized cyberbanking accessories use 2.5 mm or 3.5 mm jack plugs as consecutive anchorage connectors for abstracts alteration and assemblage programming. This address is decidedly accepted on graphing calculators, such as the TI-83 series, and some types of abecedarian and two-way radio, admitting in some added avant-garde accessories USB mini-B connectors are provided in accession to or instead of jack connectors. The second-generation iPod Shuffle from Apple has one TRRS jack which serves as headphone, USB, or ability supply, depending on the affiliated plug.

On CCTV cameras and video encoders, address audio in (originating from a microphone in or abreast the camera) and address audio out (destined to a apostle in or abreast the camera) are provided on one three-conductor connector, area one arresting is on the tip aqueduct and the added is on the ring conductor.11

The Atari 2600 (Video Computer System), the aboriginal broadly accepted home video bold animate with changeable software programs, acclimated a 3.5 mm TS (two conductor) jack for 9V(?) DC power.

The Apple Lisa claimed computer acclimated a TRS jack for its keyboard.

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